Kickstarter - Sickest Witch (Old-School RPG)
11 hours ago
Runequest, Glorantha, D&D, and a tiny slice of libertarianism.
My personal view of Third Age Glorantha is that it's somewhat like, what if the Romans had discovered nuclear bombs while the Greeks had dabbled in Lovecraftian science. The two empires had then both imploded and taken large chunks of the landscape with them and only the fundamentalists who had refused to have anything to do with either, had survived into a "new dark age." Only now, some more fools with more brain than sense had managed to hurl a portion of the planet into space in order to make a moon. To me, that's the backdrop.That's about the size of it...
"You weren't there in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the time lock's broken, then everything is leaking through. Not just the Daleks but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, The Could-Have-Been King and his army of Meanwhiles and Never Weres. The War turned into Hell and that's what you opened, right above the Earth. Hell is descending!"That sounds like God Learner territory to me. Under attack by all the forces of myth in Glorantha, what could the God Learners have created to defend them? Their magical imagination would have been stretched to the limits. What if the last desperate act of the God Learners in Jrustela was to lock part of their existence away, including the war against them, waiting for a chance to return? Preventing their return could be a major act in the Hero Wars. Perhaps the Nightmare Child and the Could-Have-Been Kin will make an appearance in my campaign in years to come...